If no devices appear after clicking the button or you do not see all devices, check the following items:

  1. Verify that all devices are powered up and fully booted. A fully booted RC-03 will have the top LED on with a color of red. A fully booted IP-Bridge will have the top left LED on with a color of green (see images below).
  2. Verify that the Windows PC (with which the Configuration Tool is running) is connected to the correct network and has a valid IP address for that network.
    1. Ensure that all devices are on the same subnet. The Configuration Tool uses broadcast packets on the network to find devices.
    2. Broadcast traffic is dropped by routers so only devices on the network segment that the Configuration Tool is running on will be seen.
  3. If using VLAN’s, verify with an IT Administrator that all of the switch ports’ devices are on the correct VLAN.
  4. There is also an option to discover a device by IP or an IP address range.

If there are still issues with discovering units and/or connecting devices to Pure Access, review our documentation on basic network configuration and best practices.

Fully booted RC-03
Fully booted IP Bridge

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